
GOAL: Triple Aim (Lead, Time, Cost) ​

(Chromatography, Flow Cytometry, Spectrometry)


The “Instrument to Insight” solution is a comprehensive approach to streamline scientific and research data analysis, making it easier to extract valuable insights and accelerate the drug discovery process. The solution utilizes a combination of cutting-edge technologies, including ELN (Electronic Lab Notebooks), LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems), and structure and image analytics, to access, parse, and analyze data from a wide range of sources, including proprietary and unstructured data, data libraries, instruments, and lab equipment.

The process begins with data acquisition and parsing, which involves ingesting and processing raw, unstructured data from various sources. The data is then related and parsed into structured and secured data, which can be easily accessed and analyzed using research applications, predictive analytics, and cloud-based APIs. The solution also includes advanced analytics and modeling capabilities, including AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) modeling, to help researchers make more informed decisions.

The “Instrument to Insight” solution also addresses the challenges associated with intellectual property, data security, and integrity, ensuring that data is validated and secured throughout the entire drug discovery process. It also provides powerful visualization and analytics tools, including structure search, comparisons, control charting, and method viability, to help researchers gain a deeper understanding of their data and make informed decisions.

With “Instrument to Insight,” researchers can increase their throughput by over 50% and reduce lead selection time by over 50%. The solution also helps to improve business architecture, reduce overhead costs, and enhance data accessibility, enabling researchers to gain valuable insights and accelerate the drug discovery process.

GOAL: Triple Aim (Lead, Time, Cost)


Scientific & Research Data

CROs, Collaborators

Data Libraries


Reagents, MSDS

Lab Equipment


Proprietary Sources

Raw, Unstructured data

Not easily available/usable

Volume of Data



Parsed and related

Structured & Secured

Cloud Access & APIs



Research Applications

Programmatic Access

Validated Data

Secured Data


Structure & Image Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Insights & Visualizations

Modeling, AI/ML Ready

Decision Support

(Chromatography, Flow Cytometry, Spectrometry)

Problem Statement

Research Throughput & Time to Market

80% data is not readily accessible

Overhead cost of drug discovery

Complex calculations, manual processing

Proprietary and unstructured data

Lack of visualizations/analyzations

Intellectual Property

Product, data security and integrity

Right Talent

Inter disciplinary (biology, chemistry, biotechnology, bioinformatics)

Digital overlay (GEN Z talent)

EZEN Solution

Business Architecture

ELN, LIMS, Registers & Studies

Access source & results data (chromatogram, peak tables, flow cytometric)

Data acquisition, parsing & ingestion

Technology & Data Architecture

Structured & segmented (sample sets, projects, operators, studies, protocols)

Visualization & Analytics (structure search, comparisons, control charting, method viability)

Validated, secured and AI/ML modeling

Benefits Realization

50% Increase in throughput

50% Reduction in lead selection

Instruments, CROs

(unstructured data)

Acquire, Parse

(structured data)

Data, metadata

(standard, API)

ELN, Studies

(Search, Research)


Research Throughput & Time to Market

80% data is not readily accessible

Overhead cost of drug discovery

Complex calculations, manual processing

Proprietary and unstructured data

Lack of visualizations/analyzations

Intellectual Property

Product, data security and integrity

Right Talent

Inter disciplinary (biology, chemistry, biotechnology, bioinformatics)

Digital overlay (GEN Z talent)


Business Architecture

ELN, LIMS, Registers & Studies

Access source & results data (chromatogram, peak tables, flow cytometric)

Data acquisition, parsing & ingestion

Technology & Data Architecture

Structured & segmented (sample sets, projects, operators, studies, protocols)

Visualization & Analytics (structure search, comparisons, control charting, method viability)

Validated, secured and AI/ML modeling

Benefits Realization

50% Increase in throughput

50% Reduction in lead selection

Instruments, CROs

(unstructured data)

Acquire, Parse

(structured data)

Data, metadata

(standard, API)

ELN, Studies

(Search, Research)